These links direct to pages I've made (some are works in progress) Suggestions? Sign my guestbook!
Check out my MGS shrine!!!
(this is my comic pls read it)
Metal Gear -I'm a massive nerd for this series. Autoplay music ahead.
Dubstep -Hey have you ever heard of the EDM tumblr fandom? (wip)
Old Snake :) -I just think hes neat
Southwest Gothic-Everyone needs a blog!
Los Alamos -my experience exploring the secret city (wip)
Angels-I love angels! (wip)
Morshu...Lamp oil...ropes? Bombs?
Fanart!- Check out all this super cool Atomic Gothic fanart!
Fiesta for a dead mall- Shrine for a local dead mall
TRAIN FREAKS- remember those train guys from Pokemon BW?